Nebraska's Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education


The Coordinating Commission is the only entity in Nebraska that conducts in-depth, statewide analysis of higher-education issues.

Most Requested Reports

Comprehensive Statewide Plan for Postsecondary Education (Last substantive revision: July 21, 2022)
As required by statute, the Commission has developed and periodically revises a plan to provide direction for the future of higher education in Nebraska.  The Commission annually assesses achievement toward the goals identified in the Comprehensive Statewide Plan in its Measuring Accomplishments report and related data dictionary.

Nebraska Higher Education Progress Report (March 2025)
Designed to provide the Nebraska Legislature with comparative statistics to monitor and evaluate progress toward achieving key priorities for Nebraska's postsecondary education system.   The Progress Report includes comparative information by race, ethnicity, and gender for high school graduation rates, preparation for college, postsecondary enrollment, postsecondary retention and graduation, and educational attainment.  The report compares Nebraska to other states and presents information by sector (University of Nebraska, Nebraska State Colleges, Nebraska Community Colleges, and independent Nebraska colleges and universities).

Factual Look at Higher Education in Nebraska (Updated annually)
Utilizes data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) surveys to provide comparative data for Nebraska's higher education institutions.

Supplemental Forms Report on Enrollment, Tuition & Fees, and Financial Aid (April 2022)
Presents data on enrollment, tuition and fees, and financial aid for the state's public colleges and universities. The information in this report is meant to supplement data and analysis offered in other CCPE reports.

Tuition, Fees, and College Affordability Report (September 2024)
This biennial report provides an analysis of the public policy issues relating to tuition, fees and financial aid for students in Nebraska.

College continuation dashboard Dashboards                  

College Continuation Rates (Updated October 2024) 
This dashboard provides our estimate of college-going rates for each of Nebraska's public high schools that awarded regular high school diplomas in 2007-2008 through 2022-2023. Data users also can download an Excel file of the entire dataset, including our estimate of college-going rates, by county, for the high school graduating class of 2005-06 (includes public and private schools).

Degrees and Other Awards (Updated May 2024) 
These dashboards summarize the number of degrees and awards conferred by Nebraska's public and nonpublic colleges and universities as reported in the federal IPEDS surveys. The information corresponds to the data presented in the Commission's 2024 Factual Look at Higher Education in Nebraska: Degrees and Other Awards Conferred 2012-2013 through 2022-2023.

Degrees and Other Awards by CIP Code (Updated May 2024)
These dashboards summarize the number of degrees and awards conferred by Nebraska’s postsecondary institutions by CIP code. The information is a supplement to the data presented in the Commission's Factual Look at Higher Education in Nebraska: Degrees and Other Awards Conferred.

Enrollment (Updated October 2024)
These dashboards summarize enrollments at Nebraska's public and nonpublic colleges and universities as reported in the federal IPEDS surveys. The information corresponds to the data presented in the Commission's 2024 Factual Look at Higher Education in Nebraska: Enrollment (Fall enrollment: 2013 through 2023; 12-month enrollment: 2013-14 through 2022-23).

FAFSA Completion (Updated weekly)
This dashboard provides aggregate information by secondary schools, school districts, and certain designated entities on their students’ progress toward completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.

Financial Aid Reports

Tuition, Fees, and College Affordability Report (September 2024)
This biennial report provides an analyses of the public policy issues relating to tuition, fees and financial aid for students in Nebraska.

ACE year-end report (2024)
     Previous ACE reports (2023) (2022) (2021) (2020) (2019) (2018) (2017) (2016) (2015) (2014) (2013) (2012)

NOG year-end report (2024)
     Previous NOG reports (2023) (2022) (2021) (2020) (2019) (2018) (2017) (2016) (2015) (2014) (2013) (2012)

Gap Assistance Annual Report (2024)
     Previous Gap Assistance reports (2023) (2022) (2021) (2020) (2019) (2018) (2017)

Excellence in Teaching Program biennial report (2024)

Facilities and Budget Reports

2025-2027 Institutional Operating Budget Recommendations (October 2024)
A constitutionally required analyses of public institutional budget requests for the upcoming biennium. It includes information about higher education appropriations, affordability, access and accountability; discussions of statewide funding issues and recommendations and rationales pertaining to institutional budget requests.

2025-2027 Capital Construction Budget Recommendations and Prioritization (October 2024)
A constitutionally required analyses that provides funding and priority recommendations for Nebraska State College, University of Nebraska, and Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis (NCTA) capital construction budget requests.

Other Reports, Publications and Presentations

Peer Reports
These reports outline the processes and results of the Commission's selection of new peer groups for the University of Nebraska institutions, State College System, and community colleges. (Updated peer groups - April 30, 2020)

College Course Offerings for High School Students (2024)
Describes the types of distance education courses available to Nebraska residents, who is delivering distance education, how distance education is delivered and how many students are taking advantage of distance education. (Note: This report deals only with Nebraska's public institutions)
Previous Reports (2023) (2022) (2021) (2020) (2019) (2018) (2017) (2016) (2015)

Biennial Report (December 2024)
Required by statute, this report provides an overview of the Commission's accomplishments and activities during the past two years.
Previous Reports (December 2022) (December 2020) (December 2018) (December 2016) (December 2014)

Nebraska Postsecondary Education 2019 Human Resources Report  (November 2021) 
This report, drawn from data reported by each Nebraska postsecondary institution to the federal Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), combines historical trends in postsecondary employment at all public and private Nebraska institutions with additional detail for each Nebraska public institution, including average salaries of full-time instructional nonmedical staff by academic rank and gender.

LB 637 Dual Enrollment and Career Academy Study (December 2011)
Legislative Bill 637 directed the Coordinating Commission to study the need for uniform policies and practices regarding dual-enrollment courses and career academies in Nebraska, as well as to examine other opportunities for Nebraska high-school students to earn college credit, such as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate programs. (Appendix III available here)

LB 340 Community College Study (December 2009)
Legislative Bill 340 directed the Coordinating Commission to study Nebraska's community college system and offer recommendations for a variety of issues, including the roles and missions of the community colleges and appropriate weighting of courses for state funding.

Questions or comments? Contact Jill Heese, CCPE Research Director, at or 402-471-0031.