Nebraska's Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education

Oral Health Training and Services Fund

In 2015, the Nebraska Legislature passed and the Governor signed LB 661, which establishes the Oral Health Training and Services Fund. The legislation calls on the Coordinating Commission to administer the fund. In July 2016, the Commission released the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the fund.


Official Oral Health Training and Services Fund RFP documents

Creighton University

Contract Award 75591 O4

Letter of Intent

Proposal for RFP

University of Nebaska Medical Center

Contract Award 75590 O4

Letter of Intent

Proposal for RFP

Oral Health RFP 87164 Z6

Evaluation criteria for RFP 87164 Z6


Official RFP Addenda

Memo re: match requirements - 9/18/2015

Match Q & A - 1/5/2015

RFP Q & A - May 2016

RFP Question #1 and Answer - September 2016

RFP Question Set #2 and Answer - December 2016

RFP Question Set #3 and Answer - December 2016


Additional RFP information

Solication number - 87164 Z6

Release date - July 11, 2016

Opening date and time - December 30, 2016, 2:00 p.m. Central Time

Procurement contact - Gary Timm, or 402-471-0020