Nebraska's Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education

Governor Signs Gap Assistance Bill

On May 1st Governor Ricketts signed LB 180, allowing eligible credit programs to be offered through the Gap Assistance program. LB 180 was sponsored by Senator Kate Bolz of Lincoln, who also sponsored the original Gap Assistance Program bill in 2015. Prior to this bill, only non-credit programs in high-demand fields were eligible for Gap Assistance, but with the passage of LB 180, credit programs less than 16 semester hours, offered during a term of fewer than 15 weeks, and not eligible for Pell grants will be eligible. This program provides financial aid to low‐income community college students enrolled in eligible programs of study that prepare them for jobs in high need fields. These students are not eligible for federal Pell grants or state Nebraska Opportunity Grants, which serve only students enrolled in eligible for‐credit courses leading to certificates or degrees; hence the Gap Assistance program addresses an identified affordability and workforce preparation “gap.”