Nebraska's Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education

RFP issued for Improving Teacher Quality grants

The Coordinating Commission has issued a request for proposals for the 2016-17 Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) state grants.

The purpose of the ITQ program is to increase student academic achievement by helping to ensure that highly qualified teachers, paraprofessionals and principals have access to sustained and intensive high-quality professional development in core academic subjects. The program provides grants to partnerships comprised of Nebraska institutions of higher education and high-need local educational agencies for projects to improve the skills of teachers, paraprofessionals and principals.

The Coordinating Commission administers the ITQ grant program for the state of Nebraska. The U.S. Department of Education funds the grants. The Commission expects to have approximately $285,000 to award for 2016-17, which is the program’s last year. Although no minimum or maximum has been set for each award, funding typically ranges from $40,000 to $70,000.