Nebraska's Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education

CCPE honors longtime Commissioner Dick Davis

The Coordinating Commission recently honored longtime Commissioner Dr. Dick C.E. Davis of Omaha, who served on the Commission since its inception, in 1991, until January 2012.

At the Commission's March 1 meeting, current Chair Dr. Ron Hunter of Hay Springs read a resolution - unanimously approved by the full Commission - that conferred on Davis the title of "Honorable Commissioner Emeritus." It's the first time the Coordinating Commission has conferred that title. Later, Commission staff and Commissioners - both past and present - celebrated Davis and his more than 20 years of service at a luncheon at the Nebraska Club in downtown Lincoln.

Davis served in numerous leadership roles for the Commission, including many years as Chair of the Budget, Construction and Financial Aid Committee. Davis is known statewide as a fierce advocate for education access, particularly for low-income and minority students. He spearheaded the creation of the Davis-Chambers Scholarship, which recognizes academically promising students from diverse backgrounds attending Nebraska colleges and universities.

Most recently, Davis established the "Careers for Kids" initiative, which helps prepare students for academic, career and college success by providing them the resources and support necessary to achieve their postsecondary goals. Davis is CEO of Davis Companies, a family business that for more than 40 years has provided insurance, bonding and consultation to corporate clients.

Davis earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln - where he also was an All-Big-Eight fullback on the football team - his master's degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, and his doctorate in Education from UNL.