Nebraska's Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education

Hill testifies on numerous higher-ed bills

Coordinating Commission Executive Director Marshall Hill recently testified on numerous bills under consideration by the Legislature.

  • LB 946 - The Community College Aid Act, this bill would maintain the state's current community college funding structure, wherein each community college receives a specified amount of the allocated $87.7 million, with any additional funds distributed using two new methods. This would take effect in 2013‐14. Hill testified neutral.
  • LB 1066, 1055, 1065 and 1089 - These bills would appropriate state funds for four different University of Nebraska construction projects, collectively totaling more than $90 million. Hill testified in favor of LB 1065 (the Lincoln nursing facility), and neutral for the other three.
  • LB 1019 - This bill would appropriate more than $20 million in state funds for the renovation of athletic facilities at Chadron State College and Peru State College. Hill testified neutral.
  • LB 1144 - This would allow for the creation and funding of state-recognized "career academies." Hill's testimony was neutral.
  • LB 1034 - This bill would create the College Choice Grant Program, which would award funds to only Nebraska students attending the state's private, non-profit postsecondary institutions. Hill testified neutral.
  • LB 1104 - This makes technical changes to the Postsecondary Institution Act, which was enacted in 2011. Hill testified in favor of this bill.